Becoming a volunteer is as easy as 1, 2, 3...
Click on each box below to complete the process.
Remember you MUST complete steps 1 and 2 EVERY YEAR!
Watch the VIDEO & Sign the FORM
Fill out the HR FORM with the Principal's signature.
Make an APPOINTMENT to be fingerprinted at the District office.
Volunteers will be welcomed in at the discretion of the teacher. Thank you in advance for being sensitive to the needs of individual teachers, students and classes. In order to keep everyone safe, we do ask the following if you come to volunteer:
- Please make sure that you are healthy, and that anyone living with you is healthy.
- We ask that you make other arrangements for siblings while you are at school and allow this time to focus on the child whose class you are coming to volunteer for.
Just a reminder of the volunteer guidelines:
- In order to be in compliance with new Utah State Law, our Jordan District Volunteer Policy has been updated. Please note the following updated volunteer approval process:
- Parents, or anyone, wishing to volunteer in class or on field trips is asked to watch a 29-minute Code of Conduct video from home, then sign a Code of Conduct Signature Form verifying that they have watched it.
- Prospective volunteers may then bring the signed Code of Conduct Signature Form with them to the school to fill out a Volunteer Application/Information-Form and have it signed by the principal.
- If you have completed a fingerprint & background check through Jordan School District since 2016, you do not need to be fingerprinted again. This completes the process.
- If you have NOT been fingerprinted since 2016, the last step is to take the signed Volunteer Application/Information Form to the Jordan District Offices and have fingerprints taken. There is NO CHARGE to applicants for this. You do need to make an appointment to be fingerprinted by clicking on the following link:
- When Background Checks are complete, an approval will be sent to us to keep on file, and the applicant may then volunteer at school or on field trips.
- Volunteer Background Check Forms will need to be submitted EVERY YEAR. Fingerprinting only needs to be completed ONCE.
- The initial approval process takes a minimum of two weeks, and can take up to a month or more. If you are hoping to be approved for a class party, or especially for a field trip, we urge you to plan well in advance.
We LOVE our volunteers! You do so much for our school - THANK YOU!!!