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There will be NO SCHOOL on Friday, February 7th.
We encourage students and families to focus on their own
health and wellness this day.
Resources may be found on the Jordan District website:

5th Grade Maturation Night

Fifth-grade Maturation will be held tonight - Thursday, February 6th.
Parents are welcome to come and bring their students. (Students must be accompanied by a parent or adult guardian).

Boys' Maturation:  6:00 p.m. in the Gym
Girls' Maturation:  7:00 p.m. in the Gym

Jordan District has provided resources for parents to discuss maturation with their child at home. Those may be found here:




Virtual Kindergarten Orientation may be accessed here:


We look forward to welcoming our incoming kindergarteners!

January 13th - 17th 

Thank you for supporting your students and our school during Kindness Week
last week!
We kicked off the week on Monday with a fun assembly and a magician.

Every class made a poster with their Classroom Kindness Theme
to display in the hall. 

Students wrote Kindness Notes for other students during the week.
They had as much fun writing them as they did receiving them!

SODA TABS - We collected a grand total of 89 pounds, 4.15 ounces. Wow!
Proceeds from these go to benefit Ronald McDonald House.


Third Grade won the award for bringing in the most tabs.
Kindergarten was so close behind that the PTA is going to help
both grades with a reward,
to be determined by grade level and announced soon. ​😀​

Huge thanks go out to our PTA!
We were also impressed with how many students worked on kindness at home
and turned in Kindness Bingo Cards. 


Let's Keep up the Kindness!


NO SCHOOL Monday, January 20th - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
NO SCHOOL Tuesday, January 21st - Grade Transmittal Day
See you back on Wednesday, January 22nd.
Enjoy your long weekend!


We hope you had a wonderful Holiday Break!
You may view our January Newsletter in ParentSquare.
And if you haven't seen it, don't forget to check out the Opportunities for Parents
page, under the Parents/Students tab here on our website.

Next week is Kindness Week!
As a service project, we will be collecting soda tabs for the Ronald McDonald House,
so start saving those tabs!

More information about Kindness Week will be coming from the PTA.


There will be NO SCHOOL Monday, December 23rd - Friday, January 3rd.
We hope you enjoy a wonderful holiday season.
See you back on Monday, January 6th!


Thank you for helping to make our Food Drive a big success! We had food lining many of the hallways, and filled almost 4 big barrels for the Utah Food Bank.

Our Student Leadership Team, and all those students who applied for the SLT,
helped to gather the food and get it ready for pick-up.
They worked hard, and got it done quickly!
They were SO good, in fact, that we had a special visitor show up!














We hope you'll check out this week's JSD Supercast with Superintendent Godfrey!
Thanks, Mrs. Crane and Mrs. Price! Way to represent Rosamond. 😁



In case you missed it, the artwork third graders created that was on display during their program, has been moved to bulletin boards around the building. THANK YOU to Mrs. Dansie, our amazing Art Teacher, who helped students with their projects, and came last Thursday night to share information about the Beverley Taylor Sorenson (BTS) Arts in Schools Program.









We had a LOT going on at Rosamond this past week!

In the library over the past two weeks, Mrs. Bernier and Mrs. Glick read stories and taught lessons to celebrate Remembrance Day, and to honor our U.S. Military members and veterans. (Ask Mrs. Bernier to recite "Flanders Fields" from memory. It's impressive!)

We had an ARTS assembly on Tuesday, November 19th. "Sounding Brass" came to play for us.
On Thursday, November 21st, our 5th Graders graduated from D.A.R.E. Officer Hurst and Detective Ashley spent several weeks coming in to teach our 5th graders about responsible decision making, and other great life skills. Congratulations to our fifth graders!
Our 3rd Graders put on a patriotic program for their fellow students on Wednesday, November 20th, and repeated this fabulous production for parents on Thursday evening, November 21st. We were SO impressed with the incredible job they did! Way to go, 3rd Grade!

The turnout for this program was incredible! Thank you to our parents and community members for their support, and thank you to our teachers for all their hard work in overseeing the whole thing. We were especially honored to have our JSD Board President, Tracy Miller, in attendance. Thank you, Mrs. Miller!

Please stop in before Winter Break to see our Wall of Honor, which 3rd grade put together to go along with their program. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this!

Also - check out the post on the JSD Website!

We are so thankful for our students, faculty and staff, and for our amazing community. Thank you!



Halloween was so much fun! Thank you for your participation and support.




This year, we are moving to a Standards-Based Grading (or Proficiency-Based Learning) model.
Find more information under the Parents/Students Tab:



There will no longer be a crossing guard at 1300 W. and Seramingo Dr.
Anyone needing to cross there should use the flashing crosswalk light.

August 26th - 30th

Please pay close attention when dropping off and picking up from school. Click below to watch our safety video!

SAFETY WEEK IS AUGUST 26 - 30, 2024!

THANK YOU to our PTA for their help this week, as we assist our students in establishing routines & procedures for the school year.
They've been amazing, and have put in a lot of work
to make this a fun week.
(We definitely have the best safety signs we've seen!)

Parents, we appreciate you modeling safety and respect for your students, by following rules and complying with teacher, PTA, and Student Safety Patrol requests. Our goal is always to keep our students safe, and to treat ourselves and others with kindness.


The First Day of School for grades K-6 is
Wednesday, August 21st. 

  • First bell rings at 8:55 a.m. (Students line up at grade level doors outside).
  • School begins at 9:00 a.m. and is dismissed at 3:35 p.m.
  • This Friday, August 23rd, is a regular EARLY OUT schedule. School will dismiss at 1:00 p.m.

We can't wait to see you! It's going to be a great year! 

Information on Jordan District Boundaries and Bus Stops can be found here:

Boundaries, Maps & Bus Stops

We are now accepting KINDERGARTEN registrations for the 2024-25 school year!  Click the button above to get started.

Riverton PD is hiring crossing guards.   
They specifically need guards for the east side of Riverton.  They have one permanent spot coming open at Riverton and are also hiring for subs.   No experience necessary.  Click to apply:

clipart_board-meetingSchool Community Council applications
will be available at
Back to School Night
on August 19th. 

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